Message from the President

Collaborating with Stakeholders Around the World
Yuichi Mano
Continuing to evolve as we pursue our long-term vision
The most pressing issues at logistics sites today include securing worker safety, labor efficiency, and decarbonization; throughout the Mitsubishi Logisnext Group, we continue to work together to provide solutions to these issues. At the same time, we believe it necessary to introduce clearer and more specific measures both inside and outside the company. Our objective is to continue monitoring the state of the logistics industry in the future, even 10 or 20 years from now, when we can anticipate ongoing changes in the marketplace as well as the social environment.
In light of this effort, in November 2023 we adopted “Vision 2035” to serve as a guideline for our Group’s long-term growth and objectives in the years leading up to 2035. We intend to pursue this vision in the field of forklifts and other industrial vehicles in order to provide customers with vehicles that contribute to decarbonization as well as safety and security. We also aim to achieve annual sales of 1 trillion yen by 2035 through the contribution of our solutions business, which links manned material handling equipment with unmanned automated and autonomous equipment and operates these units safely and securely.
We intend to implement our “Vision 2035” by increasing the medium- and long-term corporate value of our Group. We seek to do so by leveraging the strengths we have cultivated to date. These include our technological foundation, which has produced numerous “Japan firsts” and “world firsts”; our broad product line, which supports every facet of the logistics field; and our global network, which identifies the respective logistics needs of countries around the world.
Growing with society at large
Our corporate philosophy is forthright: “Moving the world forward as the leading provider of innovative logistics and material handling solutions.” Clearly, we need to achieve growth while also helping to resolve environmental and societal issues. As global interest in climate change and other sustainability issues continues to grow, we believe that contributing to the resolution of these societal issues through our business operations will underpin our sustainability as a company.
In terms of the environment, we have placed emphasis on reducing greenhouse gas emissions throughout the supply chain. We will actively contribute solutions to climate change by working to reduce emissions not only in the processes of manufacturing various products, but also in the processes of sourcing of raw materials; transportation and delivery; use of our products in the field; and end-of-life disposal.
Looking to society at large, we remain particularly focused on strengthening our human capital. In addition to creating a company that makes work easier while enabling all employees to work flexibly according to their own lifestyle and stage of life, we also envision becoming a company that people are particularly eager to join. Toward that end, we are establishing a system that enables each employee to fully demonstrate and develop his or her own capabilities. We are achieving this by expanding our education and training systems and programs and by refining career paths to encourage our employees to experience a variety of career options.
Through these measures, we encourage all our employees to work toward developing solutions to the issues facing society, to achieve sustainable growth for the Group, and to give back to society as a whole. We are confident that our stakeholders will appreciate the efforts of our entire Group to continue growing hand-in-hand with society at large.