Published: May 31, 2017
Revised: October 1, 2017
Revised: January 27, 2021

Personal Information Protection Policy

Mitsubishi Logisnext Co., Ltd. (hereafter, Mitsubishi Logisnext) recognizes the importance of personal information, and we consider it our obligation to properly protect personal information that we may acquire. Mitsubishi Logisnext addresses this obligation by adhering to the following policies.

1. Providing Personal Information

1-1When personal Information is provided to our company, its use and related matters (purpose, range of use, Mitsubishi Logisnext contact) will be disclosed, specified, or explained through notification either beforehand or immediately upon its submission.

1-2If there is a change in the use of this information or related matters, Mitsubishi Logisnext will provide notification or public disclosure to that effect.

2. Management of Personal Information

2-1Mitsubishi Logisnext has established an administrative provision for handling personal information, and this organization ensures the security of, and the prevention of leaks, loss or damage to the entrusted information. The main security control measures implemented by Mitsubishi Logisnext are as follows. a)Formulation of a basic policy In order to ensure the proper handling of personal data, a basic policy on matters including “compliance with related laws and regulations, guidelines, and other rules” and “contacts for handling questions and complaints” has been formulated. b)Arrangement of rules regarding the handling of personal data Personal Information Handling Rules have been formulated which specify responsible personnel and their duties company-wide and in each division, as well as the methods for handling personal data at each stage consisting of its acquisition, use, management, provision, and response to requests from individuals whose personal information has been provided. c)Organizational security control measures In addition to designating company-wide personal information protection managers, employees are supervised by designated responsible personnel in each division that handles personal information, and a system has been arranged for reporting to and contacting such managers if potential or actual cases of violations of laws or the Personal Information Handling Rules are identified. d)Personnel-based security control measures Regular training is provided to employees on points requiring caution when handling personal data. In the Personal Information Handling Rules, it is indicated that improper handling of personal information or related acts will result in disciplinary action, according to the provisions of the Rules of Employment. e)Physical safety management measures Security settings are designated and entry/exit management is conducted for each plant, building, division, and area. Measures are implemented to prevent anyone who is not authorized or who has no relation to personal data from viewing or handling it. Measures are implemented to prevent the theft, loss, etc. of devices, electronic media, or documents used to handle personal data. f)Technological security control measures Access to file servers in each division is controlled, and the scope of access is limited so that only divisions which have relations to each item of personal data are allowed to handle the applicable data. Mechanisms have been introduced to protect information systems handling personal data from external unauthorized access or unauthorized software. g)Understanding of the external environment If personal data is to be handled in foreign countries, the systems related to personal information protection in the applicable country will be determined before implementing security control measures.

2-2Mitsubishi Logisnext does not disclose personal information to third parties, except in the following instances. When permission has been explicitly granted by the offering individual. When a sub-contractor who has concluded a non-disclosure agreement with our company beforehand is consigned personal information in part or in entirety in a range necessary for achieving the intended purpose. When it is required by a court of law, etc. When disclosed so that personal identification is not possible.

2-3When personal information is consigned to a third party, appropriate supervision implemented through contractual obligation, etc. ensures that there is no leakage or re-offering of the entrusted information.

3. Handling of Personal Information

3-1Personal information will be handled according to the use specified, disclosed or notified, or according to the permission granted.

3-2Personal information received in the normal course of business, such as from business cards, etc., or from the internet, official journals, government records, etc., and personal information obtained from inquiries, applications for documents requests, seminars, etc., will be used only when it is necessary to contact you directly. It may also be used for product guidance and services, as well as for surveys.

4. Personal Information Sharing between Mitsubishi Logisnext Group Businesses and Representatives

4-1Personal information acquired by Mitsubishi Logisnext group businesses may be shared among Mitsubishi Logisnext subsidiaries and representative agencies. In addition, personal information acquired by from cooperative enterprises (including vendors, contract manufacturers, various service providers, etc.) may also be shared with Mitsubishi Logisnext subsidiaries.

4-2When sharing personal information, non-disclosure agreements between Mitsubishi Logisnext and representative agencies are implemented to prevent the leakage and re-offering of entrusted information.
For details, refer to(Scope of Personal Information Shared)

5. Contacts for Inquiries Regarding Personal Information

5-1Contact information regarding personal information usage confirmation, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, cessation of offering, and complaints, etc, are as noted below.

[ Contacts ]
Mitsubishi Logisnext Co., Ltd.
2-1-1 Higashikotari, Nagaokakyo-shi, Kyoto 617-8585 JAPAN
Phone : [+81](0)75-956-7171
Email : Please use this contact form.

Note that details of the inquiry maybe forwarded to the person in charge of the particular matter in question. (Methods of Acceptance): Telephone, Email, Postal Mail

5-2Inquiries will be limited to the individual in question only, or an authorized representative of the individual. Further confirmation may be required that the individual or the individual's representative making the inquiry is the one whose information is in question.

6. How We Handle Personal Information on Our Website

6-1Security in obtaining personal information

In obtaining the personal information of a visitor to the Mitsubishi Logisnext Website, Mitsubishi Logisnext uses a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and other encrypting means to protect the personal information inputted through a communications link or otherwise observed through visitor Website activity. The SSL is a general technology used for security of communications on Webnet, which can encrypt the input data before it is transmitted over the Internet and prevent the input data from being intercepted or tapped. If you use any browser that is not compatible with the SSL, you would not be able access to this page, such as from the intranet of your company due to firewall or other software settings.

6-2Collection of Browsing History

The Website collects information from your device in order to improve our services and provide a better user experience. The information collected includes, for example, server access logs including system information and IP address, cookies and web beacons.

The collected information is anonymous and it is not possible for Mitsubishi Logisnext to readily identify any specific individual or user. However, if you visit our Website from a link in a Mitsubishi Logisnext email newsletter, we will associate your web browsing history collected by cookies and its analysis results with your personal data, for purposes such as distributing more appropriate email newsletters.

You can reject cookies or get a warning when receiving a cookie by setting your browser accordingly. If you reject all cookies, you can still use the Website, but some parts might not function properly. Contact the manufacturer or provider of your browser for details on how to change the settings.

*Google Analytics

The Website uses Google Analytics provided by Google Inc. for collecting, recording, and analyzing browsing patterns. Google Analytics uses cookies to collect information, but does not collect any data that would enable individual users to be readily identified. To disable Google Analytics, download and install the “Google Analytics Opt-out Add-on” from the Google Analytics Opt-out Add-on download page, and change your browser’s add-on settings. The information collected by Google is managed based on Google’s privacy policy.

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Mitsubishi Logisnext disclaims any responsibility for maintaining the security of your personal information on any other Website linked with the Mitsubishi Logisnext Website. If you have any query or inquiry regarding the handling of personal information by such other Websites, make direct inquiries to each such Website.