Reducing environmental load
Reducing environmental load (Reducing Scope 1 and 2 emissions)
EMS (Environmental management system)
We conduct internal audits twice a year and undergo an external examination by a certification body once a year to confirm that we are effectively using the ISO international standards as a tool for improving our business by maintaining and continuously improving our environmental management system.
In addition, to secure an adequate number of internal auditors and maintain their high level of competence, we regularly conduct ISO Internal Auditor Skill Improvement Training and Internal Auditor Training.
Establishment of our special environmental groups
Initiatives to reduce environmental load—such as reducing waste, increasing energy efficiency, and developing products that improve the environment—typically entail a cross-organizational effort. Tangible progress can be difficult to achieve in this area without collaboration across the entire company, or at least across multiple departments. Toward this end, we have identified important issues to be addressed in our Environmental Action Guidelines and have established four groups—the Environmental Preservation Group, Environmental Products Group, Energy Efficiency Group, and Logistics & Packing Group—to promote our environmental initiatives.
Company-wide initiatives of our special environmental groups
The Environmental Preservation Group is engaged mainly in initiatives intended to raise awareness about the environment, such as waste reduction and recycling, as well as community support activities. The Environmental Products Group focuses on the development of environment-friendly products and green procurement, such as promoting energy efficiency and the management of chemical substances contained in our products. The Energy Efficiency Group is concerned with enhancing the efficiency of our consumption of energy, water, and raw materials and actively promotes eco-friendly production. The Logistics & Packing Group is concerned with improving transportation efficiency and reducing the use of packaging materials. We are engaged in a wide variety of environmental impact reduction efforts through the activities of each of these groups.
Moreover, our Environmental Management Committee manages and summarizes the progress of the activities of the four subcommittees and conducts management reviews on a regular basis.
Planned environmental investments
Mercury lamps and fluorescent lamps in the plant are gradually being replaced with LED fixtures offering high luminous efficiency. In fiscal 2022, we took steps to reduce CO2 emissions further through increased energy efficiency achieved by updating our gas heat pump air conditioners and boilers and by converting warm air heating units using bunker oil to the units using gas.

Environmental initiatives
Burnable waste (domestic solid waste) generated
The Kyoto Plant is exhibiting a declining volume in this category due to a decrease in production, while the Shiga and Azuchi Plants are showing an increase due to growth in production.
CO2 emissions
At the Kyoto Plant, emissions declined due to a decrease in production and a decrease in emissions factors. At the Shiga Plant, despite an increase in production and increased load on air conditioning equipment, emissions decreased due to reductions in emission factors and initiatives to reduce labor hours. At the Azuchi Plant, emissions decreased due to reductions in emissions factors despite an increase in production.
Electricity consumption
Consumption decreased at the Kyoto Plant due to declining production, but increased at the Shiga Plant due to higher production and the introduction of air conditioning equipment to improve the working environment. Consumption increased at the Azuchi Plant as a result of higher production.
Water consumption
At the Kyoto Plant, consumption decreased due to a decline in production, while at the Shiga Plant consumption increased due to growth in production. Consumption at the Azuchi Plant increased slightly due to higher production levels.
Summary of environmental impact (fiscal 2022)
*Can scroll to right
Item | Unit | Kyoto Plant | Shiga Plant | Azuchi Plant |
Electricity | 1,000 kWh | 5,607 | 11,103 | 4,665 |
City Gas | 1,000 m3 | 385 | 1,260 | 678 |
Bunker A | kl | — | 29 | 84 |
Kerosene | kl | — | 18 | — |
Diesel Oil | kl | — | 42 | — |
Gasoline | kl | — | 19 | — |
LPG | m3 | — | 5,629 | — |
Water | 1,000 m3 | 23 | 55 | 10 |
*Can scroll to right
Item | Unit | Kyoto Plant | Shiga Plant | Azuchi Plant |
CO2 | Tonnes | 2,540 | 6,461 | 3,143 |
Chemical substances (emissions under PRTR) |
Tonnes | 34.6 | 81 | 5.9 |
General waste | Tonnes | 11 | 29 | 9 |
Industrial waste | Tonnes | 497 | 875 | 204 |
Chemical substances (emissions under PRTR) |
Tonnes | 37 | 50.1 | 7.2 |